Friday, January 28, 2011

From Here to Where?

Dear All,
Happy Sankrant and New Year 2011 to one and all.
India has achieved many things during the last 63 years of independence but many more to be at arm-length. In the so called age of globalization, India needs to rethink, reconsider and revamp her attitude and strategies. The year 2010 is recorded as the year of corruption. What today we see is the outcome what we think, what our values are. First intellectual corruption starts leading to other gross or material corruption. National Education arrests the intellectual pollution/corruption.
Lokmanya Tilak propagated the following four-fold means in early 1900s:
1. Rashtriya Skhikshan (National Education)
2. Boycott
3. Swadeshi
4. Swarajya.
It is that National Education, a foundation that helps achieve the remaining three. History shows that National Education had advantages as:
· After the demise of Tilakji and at the rise of Mahatma Gandhi in mid 1925s, Mahatmaji had got a fertile land to move ahead.
· After obtaining freedom, Mahatmaji wanted to dissolve Congress Party and gave a call not to enter as Congress worker in politics. Many of the true Gandhian, like, Vinoba Bhave, Shivaji Bhave, Barve, Patwardhan, etc., an outcome of National Education, kept away from politics.
· With the passage of time the spirit of National Education started fading.
Great personalities look at education as:
· In the Chapter Shikshavalli of Taittiriya Upanishad, the Guru exhorts to the departing disciples (valedictory) that he has trained them for some faculty, skills, etc., that may be useful to them in life hereafter, mind well speak truth, behave yourself, respect thinkers, elders, teachers, be a man of character, being a human beings be being human, pro-social/humanistic.
· Education being a two-fold weapon is difficult to operate. Characterless and rude educated man is fiercer than a wild beast.
Bharatratna Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar
· Education must make the individual aware that intellectual freedom is identical with the rational or the self-discipline. It must prepare such citizens and human beings as would be fit to enjoy liberty.
Vedas and other ancient Indian record
· Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man…not the amount of information put into your brain and runs riots there, undigested all your life. We must have life-building, man-making, character-making, assimilation of ideas.
Every individual is potentially divine, and this divinity can be manifested by controlling the nature both internally and externally. Swami Vivekananda
· Education in India today has to be not only national but also nation making.
Sister Nivedita
· When a young man leaves the institution after a course of training, he should be clean in speech and habits, with a correct sense of patriotism, loyalty to the country, aptitude for initiative, love for self-help, appreciation of the value of time, respect for law and order, and knowledge of the value of right thinking and right living, sufficiently well-equipped to fall into a position in some business or other calling and be able to support himself.
Bharatratna Sir M Visvesvaraya
· Only life is education. True education, therefore, is one that is experienced, tasted and digested, so that it becomes one with the blood, that the single purpose of all education is that the whole nation should become skilful craftsman and clear thinkers.
What will happen to the world if mothers start demanding fees from their husbands to feed their babies!
Vinoba Bhave

In essence, education means training of both human senses and minds so that ultimate well-being and welfare of human race is achieved. True education to the kids and youths (aptly accepted as treasure and future of a country and humanity as a whole) of a country leads to welfare and well-being state. But it so rarely takes place. Nevertheless the stalwarts of a country take care to curb out odd elements. Even the developed countries are facing the issue, but they anyhow balance it enforcing the law, law in favor of masses, Aam Aadmi. Thus, education, generating the (real or self-interested) stalwarts, makes or mars the destiny of a nation. See Appendix A for instance: What happened in USA and how the matter is being dealt

The year 2010 in India is really a peak of scams, the bitter fruits of our education. The gist of coruption in India as recently reported by a Marathi daily news paper is:
1. During 1992-2009, the corruption was of the order of Rs 73 lakhs crores: Result of policy of liberalization.
2. In Zarkhand scam was of Rs 4000 crores, the man is not booked and his wife was elected, a tragedy of Democracy in India.
3. Immediately after independence the first fraud of Rs 55 crores took place, but the minister was let scot free.
4. The present notion is corruption of Rs 100 to 200 crores is like corruption of Rs 100-200.
5. 1986: Rs 1300 crores fertilizers scam, Urea Rs 133 crores, Rs 950 crore Chara,
6. 1992: Harshad Mehta Scam Rs 5000 crores.
7. 1994: Sugar import scam Rs 650 crores.
8. 1995:Rs 5000 crores Real Estate scam, Yugoslavia 400 crore Deenar scam, Rs 300 forest scam, etc.
9. 1997: Telecom scam Rs 1500 crores. Bihar Rs 400 crores land scam,
10. And many more scams like Bofors took place stretch it up to 2010 like 2G Spectrum, Adarsh, Common wealth games, onion, and what not.

This is the tip of the iceberg. All these stalwarts and ruling parties are the outcome of our education. No body is booked in a sense. The idea is you pretend to cry, I will pretend to take action, a form of crises management! Education becomes a prey last when other sectors are already swallowed. These sectors then swallow the education also and the result is natural, obvious. Whom to blame?

Today we are facing a formidable issue of “Mahangai” (dearness: undue hike in prices). If you want to purchase a car get interest free loan, but for education 10 %! The news and media are repeatedly reporting like LPG gas cylinder’s price will be Rs 6oo by the end of year 2011, petrol may be 80 Rs/Ltr. There are a few middle class Indians who do not know how to spend/use/do with unexpected flow of compensation and many many fold of them are simply striving and struggling how to make up at least for one meal. See Appendix B: Obama freezes the wages for two years. What we did? Hiked the pay of employees of the organized sector (hardly 2% of Indian labor force) to the tune of 30-40%. Many employees even don’t understand where to keep money. Many are purchasing flats, cars and other gadgets, circulating the money to the capitalists. India is a great country indeed!
Let me recall another noteworthy event in the Indian History: The Panipat War of 14th Jan 1761, exactly 250 years ago. What are the lessons?
1. It was not a war between Marathas and Muslim.
2. It was a war between Pathans of Afganisthan and the Mogul Empire in India. Abdali wanted to rule India, a foreigner.
3. Marathas fought for Mogul Empire as a national call, scarified over one lakhs Marathas including Brahmin, Muslim, etc.
4. Abdali was overwhelmed by the courage and skill that fought under Maratha leadership. The Mogul Empire was saved and then “Pathans” never turned to India.
5. History pages unfold that even today extremely powerful countries like USA, Russia, UK, etc., have been failing either to control or defeat Afganisthan. In view of this the national battle fought by Marathas and Moguls in 1761 is memorable and mark in the history.
Let us resolve on the eve of Makar Sankrant
1. I will not be a party to any corruption/pollution, including intellectual/academic
2. I will be just and fair to my students.
3. I will declare a student-charter.
4. I will perform my duties with sincerity, enthusiasm, unbiased, as a national mission, irrespective of any role as a teacher, paper setter, examiners, etc.
5. I will align my goals with institute and national goals.

Let us get the courage and strength to fight against corruption for our kids, future generations and nation as a whole!
Appendix A
The Fraud Of American University Accreditation
By Dominic Jermano 07 October,

There is a major problem in the United States with Accreditation. They claim they are legitimate but our current social condition and results have proven how really false that is. With the most recent University massacre at Virginia Tech killing 32 innocent Students and Teachers, not to mention the many other school shootings and killings across the United States; in which I personally witnessed a student gunned down at Weber State University in Ogden Utah, is proof in my mind that Accreditation in America's Higher Education Institutes, with just this one issue, the gun debate, has always lacked any creditability!What is Accreditation and when did it begin? According to this site: {Definition and History: Accreditation is the public recognition awarded to universities and academic programs that meet established criteria and educational standards. Accreditation decisions are based on evaluations whose purpose is to provide a professional judgment about the quality of a university or academic program and to promote institutional improvement. In other words, accreditation's main goals are to assure and enhance quality.Accreditation in the United States has a long history that has developed into a voluntary system which is unique in the world. The first regional accreditation agency started in New England in 1885; the first specialized accreditation agency was founded in 1907 by the American Medical Association; and the first accreditation standards were developed in 1910 by the North Central regional accreditation agency. Today, the Department of Education reviews all accreditation agencies every 5 years to make sure that they meet core requirements, but in all other respects, every U.S. accreditation agency is unique and free from government control in its day-to-day operations.}Given that the Department of Education reviews Accreditation Agencies and is part of the Government goes to prove that Government does control Accreditation; despite their hypocritical claim that Agencies are free from Government control. And since the Government is employed by people who come from Accredited Universities, and those so called people are a product of Accreditation, why then all the scandals, the lies, the stealing, the murdering, and the idea that Democracy and freedom is a treasure, when in fact it has tarnished into a mass of National Trash.The myth of Accreditation being able to give graduates its stamp of recognition is a fraud. In reality Universities merely sign a few papers, and make a payment or a bribe to an Accreditation Agency in order to give them the authority to be listed as an Accredited School. The prize is that they can get Federal money for students. The University with its broad stroke authority is left with the responsibility in providing legitimate education that should include ethical conduct and correct principals toward education. In fact Universities don't care, because their boys are elected in Office and no one is going to challenge them if they don't follow Accreditation guidelines.Accreditation has no authority to enforce its standards, has no authority to tell Universities what to do, and is basically nothing but a good ole boys network with no oversite organization requirements for Accreditation Agencies to adhere to. This is how the government and military establishment forces it will on the public.One only needs to mention the numerous scandals: Savings and Loan Scandal, Enron, Arthur Anderson, Harken Energy, WorldCom, Halliburton, Fannie Mae, Exxon, Phar-Mor, Xerox, Epicurum fund/Parmalat, AIG, Royal Dutch Shell, Compass Group, Adelphi Communications, AOL Time Warner, Bristol-Myers Squibb, CMS Energy, Duke Energy, Dynegy, Global Crossing,, Kmart, Merck, Mirant, Nicor Energy, Peregrine, Qwest Communications, Reliant energy, Tyco, Credit Suisse First Boston, Martha Stewart, HealthSouth Corp. And this is the small list. And so people who do these scams are not University graduates from the so called American Accreditation System?What a sham it is when the US Government will use Accreditation to control the schools that represents their ideas. While there is no law that schools have to be accredited; non-accredited schools are not eligible for financial aid. Their non-accreditation comes because they do not want to be controlled by the Government, and they believe in teaching things that are really creditable, while Accredited Schools prohibit such teaching. The accusation that non-accredited schools are not real schools couldn��t be more from the truth.America��s Constitutional idolization of the gun sure has not proven guns stop wars, stops massacres, stops drive by shootings, stops domestic violence, stops bank robberies, stops police from murdering blacks, stops assassinations, of our Presidents Abe Lincoln, James Garfield, William McKinley, John F. Kennedy, and later his brother Bobby, stops the killing of our Civil Rights Leaders Malcolm Little, also known as Malcolm X, and Martin Luther King, or stops anything for that matter except the victims in their tracks.What kind of an Education system do we have that honors the right to have guns, while claiming Accreditation authorizes them to do so while people pile up in the county morgues? Something is morally wrong with that! And let��s not forget assassination attempts to kill Presidents, Andrew Jackson, Theodore, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, Gerald Ford, and Ronald Reagan.Should we be surprised, that Accreditation began with the early big time Universities such as Columbia, Princeton, Yale and Harvard, who really got their start from trafficking opium to China, with this really being the cause to the start of WWI which proceeded to WWII? Accreditation in America is to authorize the legal right to be crooks, drug dealers, and murders. It is far from being an Accreditation that is honorable and ethical.Instead Accreditation means to educate from a hypocritical point of view, instead of recognizing that there is a right way and a wrong way. In America freedom is the elixir in which getting away with doing bad is OK, while doing good is boring and humdrum.Our Government leaders are as incompetent, and they are suppose to hold the letter of the law and bar of that legitimacy, since they are products from those so called Accredited Institutions.There is a huge list of so called graduates from Accredited Universities who have broken the law, broken their own rules to infringe upon the American people. General Pace and Donald Rumsfeld resign for their bungling of the Iraq War and their torture authorizations at AbuGhrab Prison in Iraq , Paul Wolfowitz resigns as President of World Bank for giving his girl friend a raise from the World Bank after she was assigned to work at the State Department. He stole money claiming she still worked at the bank. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales resigns from pressure in Congress and Senate over the botched handling of FBI terror investigations and firings of U.S. attorneys, Karl Rove resigns after Journalist Robert Novak, who identified Plame in a 2003 column as a CIA agent, testified that Rove was the other official who leaked her name; and his involvement with Bush��s lie in going to war over Weapons of Mass Destruction never found, is indicative of War Crimes he is in collaboration with. Jack Abramoff - Pled Guilty - Sentenced to Minimum of 5 Years, 10 Months, Claude Allen- Arrested for Theft - Pled Guilt, Richard A. Berglund - Pled Guilty - Sentencing to One Year of Probation and Fined $2,500, Ed Buckham - Named by Prosecutors as Unindicted Coconspirator, Lester M. Crawford - Pled Guilty - Sentenced to Three Years Probation and Fined $90,000, Duke Cunningham - Pled Guilty - Sentenced to 8 years, 4 months incarceration, Tom DeLay - Indicted - Trial Pending Appeals Decision, Brian J. Doyle - Pled No Contest - Sentenced to Five Years in Jail, Kyle "Dusty" Foggo - Indicted - Trial Pending Appeals Decision, Robert Fromm - Named by Prosecutors as Unindicted Coconspirator, Shaun Hansen - Pled Guilty - Sentencing Scheduled for April, Vernon Jackson - Pled Guilty - Sentenced to Seven Years, Three Months in Prison, Representative William Jefferson (D-LA) is being investigated for bribery, wire fraud, bribery of a foreign official and conspiracy to bribe foreign officials, according to a May 21, 2006, Adam Kidan - Pled Guilty - Sentenced to 5 Years, 10 Months, Thomas Kontogiannis - Named by Prosecutors as Unindicted Coconspirator, Scooter Libby - Convicted- Sentenced to 30 months of Prison and $250,000.USD fine, Chuck McGee - Pled Guilty - Time Served, John T. Michael - Named by Prosecutors as Unindicted Coconspirator, Bob Ney - Pled Guilty - Sentenced to 30 Months in Prison, Brent M. Pfeffer - Pled Guilty - Sentenced to 8 Years in Prison, Allen Raymond - Pled Guilty - Time Served, Tony Rudy - Pled Guilty - Status Conference Scheduled for August 3rd, David Safavian - Convicted - Sentenced to 18 Months, Michael Scanlon - Pled Guilty - Status Conference Scheduled for June 5th, Roger Stillwell �C Pled Guilty �C Sentenced to Two Years Probation and Fined $1,000, James Tobin - Found Guilty on Two Counts - Pending Appeals Decision, Neil Volz - Pled Guilty - Status Conference Scheduled for April 26th, Mitchell Wade - Pled Guilty - Status Conference Scheduled for September 10, 2007, Brent Wilkes - Indicted- Trials Pending Appeals Decision.It is such a disgrace to think these government officials have committed these acts, while bigger fish are still being reeled in namely Dick Cheney, George Bush, Marvin Bush, Colin Powell, and Condoleezza Rice, Rudy Guiliani, Larry Silverstein, Andrew Card, Donald Rumsfeld, William Kristol, Douglas Feith, and others who are connected to this organized crime administration.There is a huge divide in the American culture, in which many who authorize the Accreditation are supported by the Government Agencies in the US that represent the Republican Party, or Military Establishment. And then there are the anti-war people, who normally are non-military supported by the Democratic Party. Many people disagree with the military establishment. And many Democrats also support the Military despite having a divided tent of votes in their party.Many of the Universities support the military establishment because they promise them money. And how they get their money is by raising student tuition fees. Many very good students do not attend the Universities afraid their money is going for bombs to kill people. Tuition profits are used to support the military, along with appropriation bills from Congress for higher indebtedness. Republicans will give you a tax cut in one hand and load up the debt in the other. In reality you don't get a tax cut, you get a long term financial burden. So much for their taxing lies! Am I Right? Of course!In 2003 a sudden change in eligibility for Pell Grants was announced by the Department of Education. It would cut some 90,000 students from the rolls of recipients and affect more than 1 million others. The timing of the War was just underway, so it is obvious where the money went. And since the money was cut, how do students get to pay their tuitions?They have to borrow the money. With the crunching for money for the War several Federal Government Officials are now under the scope in a developing investigation into the $85 billion-a-year college Student Loan Industry.A handful of major Universities have suspended top Financial Aid Officials as the investigation continues by the Office of New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo. The investigation now has linked a current Education Department Official with stock holdings in a leading student loan company.Matteo Fontana, the General Manager of the National Student Loan Data System, a Central Database for Student Aid, including the Federal Direct Loan Program and Pell Grants has been linked to banks with ties to Corporate America that support the Military establishment. As these hotshot Financial Aid Officials trade loans for profits to support the War, students are caught holding the bag, because they were cut from the rolls in receiving Pell Grants, and they have to pay the higher interest on the loans because of the constant upward movement in University tuition fees.How does Accreditation protect the rights of students to attend and pay for College, while they are being ripped off by the Government in schemes that hide their tracks in supporting the military? In fact it was a lie about going to War, exposing Valerie Plame when her husband proved Iraq��s Saddam was not buying Yellow Cake Uranium from Niger.You find a lot of propaganda that claim Big Universities turn down many applicants who wanted to attend their Institutes. In fact it is a lie. They create articles like this to build a false prestige in the world making people believe they are highly sought after when in fact they probably get less than average enrollment numbers. But they think their propaganda letters keep them in the game.I really think those Accredited Schools are frauds and liars from the get go. I have more trust that so called Non-Recognized Universities have more legitimacy than the Accredited Universities in the States.Consider the fact that I spend all that money in loans to get a degree to have to put up with drunken dorm parties that seem to go on endlessly, throughout the week, with drug users, and sex as the main course subject. Then to simply go to class, is a form of entertainment for a few laughs. To my ignorant surprise I discover I have a rowdy roommate who will steal my personal things like soap, clothes, and money is not enough. But then to take my work, to steal from me so they get my credit!What's the point? When exam proctors are paid cash to allow students to cheat on exams, so they get the higher grade; so they can claim the status of scholarly achievement upon the cheating tradition Accredited Schools wink and nod at!Or to spend all that money at an Accredited University in which I did; so I can experience witnessing another student be shot down in cold blooded murder by someone in a well off Religious Community Campus!Have you considered that Sororities and Frats are nothing but fancy names for the local high tech bullies with their gangs? And how about those Universities who claim Accreditation is necessary who run our government today? Wouldn't you agree that they are political liars, robbers, and murderers, especially the killing of little kids, mothers and grandparents in Iraq to protect my so called right to freedom in America? Then to have fathers who are trying to protect their families become instant terrorists and are gunned down and thrown in a sand ditch for burial.Seems to me Non-Traditional Degree Holders have a different message and a different method of measuring and doing things that Accredited Junkies refuse to admit or acknowledge.You know it is rather like comparing American Degrees to other Foreign Country Degrees. Would you call them fake? I dare say that those so called Non-Traditional Educators certainly have more knowledge and ability than a majority of Foreign Country Degree equivalents, and more upstairs when it comes to America��s Accreditation System. I think people should consider these truths before they assume that Accreditation means the shoe fits! Or Fake means that's not a shoe it's a sandal. I know that's what Jesus would do.The numerous examples of Accredited Schools which have proven to be bad or incompetent are not difficult to find. The same goes with Corporations, and Government Administrations whom have graduates from those so called Accredited Institutions whom have brought national disgrace and many other calamities to America's society' and in the world while getting away with it now and in the past. We only have to remember history going back to Harry Truman who used the A-bomb by targeting innocent civilians in Japan instead of their military complex, thus wiping out hundreds of thousands of people, not once mind you but twice at Nagasaki and Hiroshima. One needs only remember the disgraceful bombing attack on Dresden Germany targeting innocent civilians instead of Hitler��s military headquarters.We have the Korean War which was Russia declaring War on Japan by supporting N. Korea to later invade S. Korea which was also controlled by Japan, making the US enter the War in Korea to stop Russia despite the US getting Japan to surrender earlier. This was a Truman blunder for not negotiating with Russia in the first place, while McArthur wanted to invade China.Then how about Operation Dominic When the USA detonated 36 Atomic Bomb tests over the Kiribati Islands; and no says a word about the radioactive contamination that they spewed over the ocean, making Chernobyl and 3 mile Island look like a piece of cookie hitting the floor. Ever wonder how much radioactive fish you have eaten, or how about the welfare of the Kiribati people? Yup they live in obscure poverty, so poor they can't even afford a UN representative. And Global Warming is expected to swallow their Islands with encroaching rising ocean levels before 2020. Think America or its Accreditation really gives a crack?Then we had the senseless war with Vietnam, the civil rights riots, Kent State, LBJ lies, Nixon Watergate, the Pentagon Papers revealed by Dr. Daniel Ellis, Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam Hussein, Jimmy Carter encouraging Iraq to war against Iran, Ronald Reagan��s Iran Contra Trading Arms for hostages scandal, George Bush invading Iraq to kick Saddam out of Kuwait because the US was not paying him enough to fight America��s war with Iran, to Bill Clinton and his sex affair impeachment, to George Bush Jr. with his bag of lies causing the killing of thousands of people over his false war on terror.And this so called Accreditation continues on its free fall with 911 in which everyone knows it was an American inside job except the brokers in today��s government who refuse to admit their involvement, while they continue the War in Iraq and Afghanistan to cover up their egregious crime on September 11th 2001.Let's see any Ivy Leaguer go out and do things without the comforts of home most Accredited Universities provide. In fact the slumber of their high tuition prices prove how loathsome they really are. They do not do the real work, but are pampered from the beginning of their student experience to expect future rewards in life because they bought their degree at a high price. So money is supposed to prove their scholarly achievement? I really disagree.How many times have I seen in my life numerous high credentials of so called scholars from these Accredited Institutions who become homeless bums on the street with a cup in one hand and a cardboard sign in the other? Many times, in fact; and Accreditation does what to solve that problem? Nothing! Accreditation is supposed to be the stamp of approval for Universities who teach students legitimate and higher education. When gradates walk out the University doors and they commit crimes after their education, it sends a strong message that the University did not get through to that person, and questions the whole process and purpose of even attending in the first place. What went wrong? Universities and Accreditation go hand in hand with the responsibility toward making sure students are labeled a bonafide product from their said approval. But in fact we see how really false that claim is. It��s a reflection from our history as a nation and reflects the continued happenstance of today leading toward tomorrow.The things Non-Traditional Degree Holders have contributed to society as a whole, in many instances, Accredited Universities are unable, or unknowingly able to provide or comprehend. Foremost having money does not and is not the stamp of Accreditation of Authorization to grant peoples their degrees. Take for instance graduates from Almeda University. People have to prove what they have done to earn their degree. It is not simply mailing in a payment. If that was the case I could easily go down to the print shop and make my own Diploma, with name plate, and honors for a mere $25 US bucks, and save the rest without paying more to Almeda University.What really gets me, as we can all attest to, is the famous quote "Uncle Sam wants you." Mind you this is Accreditation talking while milking the public system with their fraud. They promise to give you a G.I. Bill so you can go to college after you finish joining the military. You tell me how a student fresh out of High School has the ability to make such an important decision which will affect their lives for the rest of their lives, while dangling Education as a benefit and motive for joining the military?How many mine fields and people do I have to kill to be able to go to the Accredited University? It should be "Uncle Sam Wants You For Higher Education" with no strings attached.You know America holds this grand idea that the military is security. In fact it is quite the opposite. Education is the key. America moans and groans about not having enough education dollars domestically, while other people in the world outside the borders of America face the same problems yet worse.Instead there is cross border arguments about why the have people do not do more to help the have-not people. That does not mean using the military to persuade ideology on another culture to take their resources and their belief systems. Enlisted men are not given the chance for education before they go to war. Instead after the war they are so happy and proud they can go skiing on one leg instead of two?Why do you think they use education as a ploy to enlist men with the GI Bill? So they will join the Army and the US government might not have to foot the bill for their education.There is something morally wrong with that, and nobody seems to recognize it. If we had education systems that worked and provided funding properly not only in the USA but also in other countries; what need for a military? How much good could have been achieved with the trillions spent on killing in Iraq for the military, when it could have been used to educate and change the feelings and atmosphere of the situation? I think the answer is clear; much good.The military is a business. They can not hold onto their business unless they have customers. Those customers are created enemies. They need to kill people in order to produce arms, and equipment which is economics, forced to be paid by the American people from their taxes. They sell arms to other countries causing terrorism, while promoting their own cause for needing a military. How, is that legitimate?If I know the military is essentially the problem, why would I want to reinforce it? Why am I forced to pay a tax bill I did not create? Then to have them grandstand waving flags that they are patriotic in my great esteem is a fraud and crime to humanity. Think about it. A lot of people are uneducated when they fall for the military doctrine of lies and go into battle. They have no concept to right and wrong about life, because they have not been given the opportunity for higher education. Subsequently they lose their lives.It's like having a cold frost kill your crops before harvest time. Some of the crops may overcome the shock later, but indeed the outcome or harvest from that frost is not as optimal.So to evade those bad feelings they proudly go along with the charade in their lives, as if that is/was the right thing to do. How can they assert that when they were not educated, and then come back to society to get an education? They really do not become educated because they were brainwashed in the service first.President Bushes military experience is proof his education afterwards was a fruitless endeavor.Yet the fake American System who claims their authority can't seem to stop lying, know when they have lied, or admit they can not determine the fate of other cultures in the world. I would rather die for my country without a gun in my hand, and knowing it was done to promote education, values, and morality. That is the true fight. That is the Medal of Honor. That is the hero. That is legitimate.I will never accept hitting my kids or doing violence to anybody is a justified act. Stopping someone from killing my wife does not mean killing them. Stopping perceived dictators from another country whom I do not know the culture or language is really obvious, especially when so called accreditation perceptions created them in the first place, to fight our wars with other nations.Strange but true is the fact that people who go to Accredited Universities are the ones who set the tone and doctrine of who needs what in order to get an Accredited Degree. I need to study 101 law, and 207 Ethics in order to be a Lawyer. The same goes with many Professions in society, be it a Physician, Pharmacist, CEO, Scientist, Engineer. But you do not need a Professional Degree to be President of the United States. A person can have a Business Degree, or any Non-Related Degree for that matter to be President.You tell me how that is creditable? The man or woman who is in charge of world economic affairs and decisions of war which kill people has no Professional Presidential Credential? It's like saying I can sit out on the beach for 3 days all sunny and hot and not get sunburn. Not real! Fake! Phony! I don't believe!There is no curriculum for Government. They have classes in it, but there is not a Professional Criteria or framework of accountability for government. It is a party system! Nothing but a bunch of Republican Elephant Democrat Donkey anarchy that thinks buying office or casting votes from an educationally deprived nation is their permission and authority to invade the supposedly sacred office of the Provider of the United States . Notice I did not say president.The President does the dirty work by breaking the law, and then has an underling take the blame, and later the President pardons him! What kind of system is that? Or the President is caught red handed; his underlings fill in his shoes and pardon him! That my fellow Americans is Organized Crime.In America it isn't about who scores the highest on the exam to reach the qualifications to be President or a Senator, or Congressman, it is about influence peddling, corruption, lies, and stealing elections that gain them power, and yet people in America are duped into believing their lies and forced to support that? I really disagree.It is not the matter of being accredited that counts, it is a matter that accredited does not disclaim others as diploma mills, or claim their way isn't untainted, unspoiled, not rotten, or not infected by its disease, from its own doing, is the matter. Accreditation needs to change their ways so that it really reflects honesty, and transparency while bringing about the fact that education is the winner when it comes to domestic and foreign policy.Accreditation in America is a scam and fraud; and until American��s understand how they are being manipulated by this basket case education system, they will continue swimming in the dysfunctional American sewer hole that says getting a degree is worth it. In fact getting it with Accreditation is proving to be a major mistake. If the purpose of Accreditation is to be a scam operation legally and make a good living from it; I only need remind you of the continued anarchy that repeats itself over and over again, because of the lack of truth and integrity. The military can really go take a hike!
******* Oct 2007 Collection by PHW
Appendix B
Obama calls for federal wage freeze
President Obama's proposal Monday to freeze federal worker pay would save $60 billion over 10 years. Here's how that ranks against other proposals to cut the deficit. By Charles Riley, staff reporterNovember 29, 2010: 3:25 PM ET
NEW YORK ( -- President Obama on Monday called for a two-year freeze in the wages of federal employees.
The freeze, which would need congressional approval and save $60 billion over 10 years, would make a small dent in the nation's debt problem. Budget experts say nearly $6 trillion in deficit reduction is needed to stabize the debt, so the new proposal achieves less than 1% of what's ultimately needed.
Still, it's an important step to help generate taxpayer support at a time when policymakers will need to make numerous difficult decisions about curbing the debt, one fiscal expert said.
"It's a real money issue and a psychological first step," said Maya MacGuineas, fiscal policy director at the New America Foundation. (Obama's debt panel nears final report)
Debt in focus: Obama's proposal comes at the start of a critical week on the debt issue. The president will meet Tuesday with congressional leaders of both parties and a bipartisan deficit commission he set up earlier this year is set to make final recommendations on Wednesday.
"The hard truth is that getting this deficit under control is going to require some broad sacrifice," Obama said. "And that sacrifice must be shared by the employees of the federal government."
According to the administration, the two-year pay freeze would save $2 billion for the remainder of fiscal year 2011 and $28 billion over the next five years.
The freeze would not apply to military personnel, but would apply to all civilian federal employees, including those working at the Department of Defense. Approximately 2 million federal workers will be affected, according to the Office of Management and Budget.
Federal workers shouldn't feel singled out: The White House says more tough choices are on the way.
"This freeze is not to punish federal workers or to disrespect the work that they do," the White House said in a statement. "It is the first of many actions we will take in the upcoming budget to put our nation on sound fiscal footing -- which will ask for some sacrifice from us all."
According to a recent CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll, 68% of Americans say reducing the deficit is more important than avoiding cuts in salary and benefits for federal workers.
In the same poll, Americans said that avoiding significant spending cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, college loans, aid to farmers and unemployed workers is more important than reducing the deficit.
Next steps: On Capitol Hill, Obama's proposal is likely to pick up support on the other side of the aisle.
Republicans have argued in favor of a freeze in recent weeks, and the co-chairmen of Obama's bipartisan deficit commission made a similar recommendation earlier this month.
"It's a great start. I'll applaud when he [Obama] does the right thing, and he did in this case," said Rep. Jason Chaffetz, a Utah Republican and the presumptive chairman of the House subcommittee on federal workers. "I'd like to see things go further. Personally, I would like to see the overall payroll cut by 10%."
At the same time, the proposal was criticized by a key lawmaker of Obama's own party. Rep. Steny Hoyer of Maryland said the president's freeze should be extended to more military personnel although not those actively serving in combat.
The National Federation of Federal Employees, which represents 110,000 workers, immediately came out against the proposal.
"We understand that sacrifices will have to be made in order to reduce our nation's growing budget deficit, but we believe doing so at the expense of dedicated civil service employees is a misguided approach," President William Dougan said in a statement.
Monday's announcement is not the first time government employees have faced cuts during the Obama administration. During his first year in office, he froze the salaries of top White House officials and proposed to do so for other top political appointees. He also eliminated bonuses for all political appointees.
-- CNNMoney senior writer Jeanne Sahadi contributed to this report.
******* Jan 2011 PHW
Obama Calls For Federal Wage Freezes
On Monday, President Obama called for wage freezes for a period of two years for all federal employees. The President is pushing the freeze in an effort to assist in reducing the national debt.
Freezing wages for federal employees for the next two years would likely save approximately $60 billion over the next ten years. This is a small amount when compared to the national debt, which is expected to be over $9 trillion in ten years.
Many analysts believe the move is more of a psychological and political decision rather than a solution to the debt problem, as the federal government must make choices about taxes in the days ahead.
On Tuesday, President Obama plans to meet with leaders of Congress from both parties, and on Wednesday, a bipartisan panel on the deficit put together by the President will announce its final recommendations on how to deal with the national debt.
President Obama had this to say about the wage freezes as they relate to the national economy – “The hard truth is that getting this deficit under control is going to require some broad sacrifice. And that sacrifice must be shared by the employees of the federal government.”
The Obama administration estimates that the cuts would save the federal government $2 billion during fiscal year 2011 and $28 million during the next 5 years. Military personnel will not be included in the wage freeze.
The wage freeze would affect about 2 million federal employees. It appears that the Obama administration will have the support of Republicans for this move, as some Republican leaders have also been calling for such a freeze.

Obama freezes wages of its employees and promises transparency
Go ahead for Obama freezes wages of its employees and promises transparency. You can find some of Obama freezes wages of its employees and promises transparency and further more in this article..
U.S. President Barack Obama said Wednesday on the first day of his mandate a wage freeze "of his senior aides at the White House and promised a new era of" transparency "in the administration. Event "For a long time, there was too much secrecy in this city of Washington, the federal capital," said Obama in a speech to members of his administration in the Executive Office Building, next to the White House . "The old rules said that if there was an arguable case for not revealing anything to the Americans, well, this should not be revealed," said President Obama. "That era is now over," he promised. "I abide myself, as president, a new standard of transparency," said Obama, who also announced that the salaries of his senior staff would be frozen. According to the White House, they will be capped at $ 100,000. "In this difficult economic times, American families are forced to tighten their belts, and that's what Washington should do," he explained. "That's why I put up a wage freeze of my senior colleagues in the White House," he continued. "Some in this room will be affected by the freeze of wages, and I want you to know that I appreciate your goodwill," he said in the address. Mr. Obama explained that if he or a former president wanted to keep certain information secret, it should consult the Minister of Justice and the legal adviser to the president to check if the law allows. "The information will not be accepted just because I decide so, it will be because a separate authority that my request is constitutionally based," he said. The Bush administration has been criticized many times for having kept secret information that should not have been. In addition, Obama announced that he forbade his officials to work for lobbying in connection with the White House if they leave their hotel. "Starting today, lobbyists will be subject to stricter limits than in any other administration in history," Obama said about the employees of many groups that are in constant touch with the administration and Congress. "A former lobbyist within my administration will not have the right to work on matters which were within its jurisdiction, or for a department to which he has been in contact over the past two years," he said. "Once it has left the public service, he will not have the right to operate as a lobbyist with the hotel as I am president," he added. The practice of "gifts" to officials from these pressure groups will also be prohibited, "said the American president, spent Tuesday Obama freezes wages of its employees and promises transparency picture
WASHINGTON — President Obama on Monday announced a two-year pay freeze for civilian federal workers as he sought to address concerns over high annual deficits and appealed to Republicans to find a common approach to restoring the nation’s economic and fiscal health.
Doug Mills/The New York Times
Stitches on President Obama’s lip were evident during a press conference about federal spending on Monday.
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“The hard truth is that getting this deficit under control is going to require some broad sacrifice, and that sacrifice must be shared by employees of the federal government,” Mr. Obama told reporters. He called federal workers “patriots who love their country” but added, “I’m asking civil servants to do what they’ve always done” for the nation.
The pay freeze amounted to an opening bid as the president and Republican Congressional leaders begin jousting in earnest over tax and spending policy. It also illustrated how Mr. Obama can use his office on occasion to get ahead of newly elected Republicans; they had been talking about making such a move when they assume control of the House and additional Senate seats in January.
But while the move represents a gesture toward public anger over the anemic economic recovery and rising national debt, the $5 billion to be saved over two years will barely dent a deficit that has exceeded $1 trillion for the past two years. And even those savings would be swamped by the multitrillion-dollar costs of the bigger issue dividing Mr. Obama and the Republicans — what parts of the Bush-era tax cuts to extend beyond their Dec. 31 expiration, and for how long.
That issue and others will be on the agenda on Tuesday when Mr. Obama will host the House and Senate leaders of each party at the White House for the first time since the midterm elections.
Tuesday will also be the last day for emergency federal assistance for about two million Americans who have been unemployed for long periods, and on Friday a temporary measure providing money for government operations will run out. The two parties are at odds over both matters, with many Republicans opposed to additional unemployment aid and demanding more cuts from domestic spending for the fiscal year that began in October.
Mr. Obama nonetheless expressed optimism that the meeting would be a productive fresh beginning.
“We can’t afford to fall back onto the same old ideologies or the same stale sound bites,” he said.
As Mr. Obama made his comments at the announcement of the pay freeze, the bipartisan commission he established in February to propose ways to reduce the growth of the national debt entered a final two days of negotiations over combinations of spending cuts and revenue increases. In a sign of the struggle to find a compromise that could attract Democratic and Republicans votes, the commission chairmen — Alan K. Simpson, a former Senate Republican leader, and Erskine B. Bowles, a chief of staff to President Bill Clinton — decided to meet privately with members one at a time on Monday and Tuesday instead of convening all 18 members.
The Republicans on the panel are generally opposed to raising taxes and the Democrats to big changes in Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.
Mr. Bowles and Mr. Simpson revised their draft debt-reduction package over the Thanksgiving holiday break to reflect members’ criticisms. Their goal is to reduce projected deficits by nearly $4 trillion over the coming decade. That is roughly the same amount that would be added to the national debt by extending the Bush-era tax rates — a juxtaposition that underscores the contradictory impulses of elected officials as constituents demand smaller deficits and low taxes.
In advance of Tuesday’s bipartisan White House meeting, Mr. Obama and Democratic Senate leaders conferred by phone to try to coordinate strategy.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi planned to have the House vote on the approach that she, Mr. Obama and the Senate Democratic leader, Harry Reid, prefer, which would extend the 2001 and 2003 tax cuts for income up to $250,000 a year for couples and $200,000 for individuals. But faced with defections from Democrats in swing districts and states, they are considering fallback plans, including one that would keep the Bush-era rates in place for income up to $1 million.
Senator Charles E. Schumer, a Democratic Senate leader from New York, is the main proponent of that plan, which he is labeling the “millionaires’ tax.” He has picked up adherents among Democrats facing re-election challenges in 2012, including Senators Joe Manchin III of West Virginia and Claire McCaskill of Missouri.
The lame-duck session of Congress could end up passing a temporary extension that kicks the matter, like other issues, into the next Congress, which convenes in January. On Monday, the House approved a Senate measure that blocks until Jan. 1 a scheduled 23 percent cut in doctors’ reimbursements from Medicare — once again buying time to resolve the costly issue.
The pay freeze Mr. Obama announced wiped out plans for a 1.4 percent across-the-board raise in 2011 for 2.1 million federal civilian employees, including those working at the Defense Department, and it would mean no raise in 2012. The freeze would not affect the nation’s uniformed military personnel, and civilian workers who are promoted would still receive the higher pay that comes with the higher grade or position.
The move would save $2 billion in the 2011 fiscal year that ends Sept. 30 and $5 billion by the end of two fiscal years. Over 10 years, it would save $60 billion, according to Jeffrey Zients, deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget and the government’s chief performance officer.
While Congress has final word on federal pay, the president’s freeze seemed certain, given the political environment; if anything, lawmakers may go further by cutting pay. Republicans noted that some of them had called for a pay freeze for months. “We are pleased that President Obama appears ready to join our efforts,” said Representative Eric Cantor of Virginia, the incoming Republican majority leader.
With Republicans vowing to make deep budget cuts, Mr. Obama must decide how far he is willing to go and where he will draw a line. He pointed out that he has already called for a three-year freeze on domestic discretionary spending, found $20 billion in savings from eliminating or scaling back unnecessary programs, identified $150 billion in improper payments.
****** Jan 2011 PHWS